Thursday, April 15, 2010

Google Maps: UCLA Disc Golf Course 18-Holes

View UCLA Disc Golf Course 18-holes in a larger map

Neogeography is bringing the world of spatial information to the masses in a very convenient and accessible light. Maps can be a very personal entity, centric to the creator's experiences. In order to convey these experiences to others, neogeography has become a valuable tool. While neogeography presents several positive possibilities, there is also a downside.

Maps are information, and information is power. The negative aspect of user created maps is misleading and faulty information being set forth to uninformed viewers. Misleading information can lead to potentially severe consequences. Several bias can enter the world of user created maps; both intended and unintended. One must be careful in checking the credibility of the source before putting full trust in the conveyed information.

And with that, please enjoy my map of UCLA's student created 18-hole disc golf course!

1 comment:

  1. Great map! Not sure what all the extra points at the end were for.

